Translate Channels
Learn how to set up channels to automatically translate messages.
Setup the bot to automatically translate messages from a specific channel to a specific language.
/config channel-auto-on target: [channel:] [output:]
Disable the automatic translation of messages from a specific channel to a specific language.
/config channel-auto-off [channel:] [output:]
Setup the bot to automatically translate messages to german from the #general channel.
/config channel-auto-on target:German channel:#general
Disable the automatic translation of messages to german from the #general channel.
/config channel-auto-off output:#general
Output Channel
You can now further customize your settings by defining an output channel where the translated messages will be posted. This feature allows for a more organized and streamlined communication flow, ensuring that translations are easily accessible and do not clutter the original conversation thread.
Setup the output channel for the automatic translations.
/config channel-auto-on target:German channel:#general output:#translations
Disable the output channel for the automatic translations.
/config channel-auto-off channel:#general output:#translations