Translate Users
Learn how to set up users to automatically translate messages.
Setup the bot to automatically translate messages from a specific user to a specific language. If the target user is not specified, the command will use the message author as the target user.
/config auto-on [target] [optional:target-user]
Disable the automatic translation of messages from a specific user. If the target user is not specified, the command will use the message author as the target user.
/config auto-off [target] [optional:target-user]
List all automatic translations for a specific user. If the target user is not specified, the command will use the message author as the target user.
/config auto-list [optional:target-user]
Setup the bot to automatically translate messages to german from the message author.
/config auto-on target:German
Setup the bot to automatically translate messages to german from the user @Xrayf.
/config auto-on target:German target-user:@Xrayf
Disable the automatic translation of messages to german from the message author.
/config auto-off
List all automatic translations for the message author.
/config auto-list